2020.03.18 新聞 FRONTEO’s continuous support during COVID-19

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資料收集對於即使是最有經驗的跨境團隊而言也令人畏懼,但您不必獨自承擔一切; 許多亞洲公司的語言障礙、文化差異以及缺乏美國證據揭示過程的經驗都會增加任何跨境收集項目的難度。幅銳態臺灣擁有認證數位鑒識專家,能配合客戶內部資訊團隊,配備最先進的工具,避免在收集的過程中發生錯誤或偏頗,掌握最新知識來收集最難以獲得的資料。


收集ESI後,需要執行幾項處理步驟來準備檔集以供審閱,比如解密,檔的提取,編碼,重復資料刪除,製作索引,以便搜尋內容….等過程。幅銳態公司提供Lit I View (LIV), LAW and NUIX 等多樣資料處理平臺。LIV 為幅銳態自行開發平臺,特別符合亞洲語言處理的複雜度,以最佳方式處理各該遺留資料類型、象形字母字元、標記化(文字識別)以及亞洲語言帶來的其他獨特挑戰。


幅銳態公司提供LIV 託管資料服務在臺灣,同時在日本及美國也支援Relativity的託管資料服務。



Global support from FRONTEO during coronavirus season.

With the spread of coronavirus and increasing impact to the globe, FRONTEO’s global team are in Taiwan, and the US to support the local clients. We continue to support local collection, Asian or US processing, contract attorney review and US productions. Our discovery support capabilities are highlighted below.


FRONTEO has certified forensic examiners with extensive experience in collecting Asian language based data, including small and large & complex collection matters.  The local FRONTEO Taiwan team will work directly with the client IT team to forensically collect and preserve data, using industry standard collection tools.  The data would be preserved using the highest degree of evidentiary standards and defensibility.

FRONTEO’s forensic examiners are fluent in Chinese.


Once the data has been collected, FRONTEO offers Lit-I-View (LIV), LAW and NUIX in the U.S. for data processing and FRONTEO has in-house Lit-I-View (LIV) platform. LIV was designed for Asian language character based processing, and minimizes CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) language garbling issues which may be experienced with other tools.


FRONTEO offers data hosting as follows:

* Data hosting on LIV in Taiwan data centre

* Data hosting on Relativity in Japan and US data centre

If data is hosted in LIV, there would be no data transfer time between the processing platform and review platform, as once the data is processed in LIV, the data would be ready for searching and review. 

FRONTEO does offer Relativity, a widely used review platform, for data that can be hosted outside of China.  There may be some additional data transfer time to Relativity depending on data size, but most can be accomplished within 24-48 hour time period.


FRONTEO is experienced with Chinese document review. FRONTEO provides the following:

* Seamless Chinese document review can be conducted both in Taiwan and the US to accelerate the project

* Experienced bilingual attorney review managers

* Only true bilingual professionals work on each project

* All reviewers are required to sign non-disclosure agreements to ensure protection of client data

* Computer settings at review centres can be customized per client policies, including secured virtual desktops (VDI) workstations with  restricted internet, unique logins, and RSA-2 factor authentication, etc.

* Review facilities are secure with 24/7 video surveillance and digital keypad with access controls