2018.11.22 新聞 “美國知識產權與大數據之爭訟策略”之研討會 Seminar of “Strategies for IP and Big Data Disputes in the U.S.”

Baker Botts LLP及幅銳態科技股份有限公司(FRONTEO Taiwan, Inc)於11月20日(二)共同舉辦了「美國知識產權與大數據之爭訟策略」之研討會。內容主要包含E-discovery新趨勢與管理E-discovery案件實務操作的訣竅大數據及物連網之爭端與陷阱,原告及被告面對Section337調查之基本步驟以及面對美國國際貿易委員會傳喚的防禦策略。

FRONTEO 是台灣最具規模的證據揭示公司,且在日本與美國上市,本次的研討會首次邀請到美國子公司的專家 Alice Tan, 譚律師,講述在證據揭示中,台灣企業可能面臨到的實務課題。

Baker Botts旗下擁有180多位在智慧財產及專利訴訟方面具豐富經驗的專業律師,且在全世界有9個據點,是在智慧財產訴訟方面擁有最高評價的律師事務所。他們的服務範圍包括智慧財產爭端的爭訟(包含上訴審)、取得專利權和其他智慧財產權、或處理任何型態的智慧財產交易等。Baker Botts現正處理120件以上的專利訴訟,在美國國際貿易委員會、聯邦巡迴上訴法院和處理專利訴訟的地方法院都有案件進行中。在專利判決及專利審理暨上訴委員會( PTAB)中也有活躍的表現。


Baker Botts has one of the largest and most highly regarded intellectual property litigation practices of any general practice law firm. They have over 180 attorneys and patent professionals dedicated to IP in nine global offices. Their group offers a complete practice, including litigating IP disputes through trial and final appeal, procuring patents and other IP rights, and handling all manner of IP transactions.

Their current docket includes more than 120 active patent cases in the ITC, the Federal Circuit, and all the popular district court venues for patent litigation such as D. Del., E.D. Tex., and N.D. Cal. They are also very active at the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB).

On 20th November, Baker Botts and FRONTEO Taiwan, Inc. had a co-seminar regarding “Strategies for IP and Big Data Disputes in the U.S.“, and touched on 4 major topics including:

– Recent Trends in E-discovery and practical tips for managing an E-discovery case

– Big Data and IoT Pitfalls and Disputes

– Beginning a U.S. International Trade Commission 337 Investigation: Essential Steps for Complainants

– Strategies for Defending Subpoenas at the U.S. International Trade

We would like to express our thanks to all the attendees for coming to join us in this seminar, and also great appreciations to the speakers from Baker Botts LLP and FRONTEO USA for sharing the useful informations. We really hope to see you again in the near future events.