2018.05.25 新聞 2018-4-18 人工智慧法律暨智慧財產前瞻議題論壇會 2018-4-18 Seminar of Legal and IP Issues in Artificial Intelligence Industry


感謝所有前來參與由美國博欽律師事務所(Perkins Coie LLP), 世博科技顧問股份有限公司(Wispro Technology Consulting Corporation)已及 幅銳態科技股份有限公司(Fronteo Taiwan, Inc), 於4月18日在臺大醫院國際會議中心舉辦的「人工智慧法律智慧財產前瞻議題」論壇。


隨人工智慧(AI)技術演進,其能具體應用之場域以及情境,正逐步從抽象化進入具體化,人工智慧相關應用正大步邁入人類生活,商業化熱潮於全球蔓延,全球大量物件將因人工智慧技術,注入令人驚艷的「人性」及「智慧」。時值人工智慧即將大幅地翻轉全球經濟、社會與人類生活過程中,諸多法律或智慧財產權議題也逐步浮現 。

討論會的內容包括美國最高法院 Alice v. CLS Bank案對軟體專利新規則如何影響軟體之專利佈局、如何以人工智慧進行文檔智慧分析、人工智慧技術其智慧財產佈局與風險控管的新思維、定價演算法涉及價格隱性合謀之反托拉斯探討(Anti-competition)、 軟體資料演算法及硬體設計至銷售責任探討、人工智慧應用於物聯網裝置涉及資料保護控管等.

此次的論壇舉辦的相當成功,一共有兩百多人報名參與,討論的內容精彩豐富, 獲得一致的好評。


 Thanks to all the people who came and joined the seminar of Legal and IP Issues in Artificial Intelligence Industry, which was held by Perkins Coie LLP, Wispro Technology Consulting Corporation, and Fronteo Taiwan, Inc on 18th of April at NTUH International Convention Center.


Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is evolving quickly and its diverse and widespread applications are integrating into our everyday lives.  Commercialization of AI technology is spreading globally and numerous applications will be infused with amazing intelligence and humanity.  AI will make radical changes to the global economy and our lives. And in addition, many legal and Intellectual Property issues will arise. 


In the seminar, we  explored several  forward-looking legal issues including (1) the new rules for patents in software held by the US Supreme Court in Alice v. CLS Bank, (2) how to analyze documents with AI, (3) the layout of intellectual properties and management of risks related to intellectual properties in artificial intelligence, (4) discussion on antitrust conduct of implicit conspiracy in pricing involving pricing algorithms, (5) design of software, algorithms, and hardware and liabilities of the sellers and (6) data protection and management related to the use of artificial intelligence in IoT devices. 


More than 200 people attended the seminar, which received numerous compliments on the substantial content and receipt of new knowledge.



 If you are interested, below are the links of the relevant topics in the seminar:


Topic: How to do document review with AI?
Speaker: Wei-Li Liu, Counsel, FRONTEO Taiwan, Inc.



Topic: Artificial intelligence and the antitrust implications of using pricing algorithms
Speaker:Jon B. Jacobs, Partner, Perkins Coie LLP


Topic: Deploying AI IP and Managing AI patent risk
Speaker:Jackson Lin, Vice President, Wispro Technology Consulting Corporation


 Topic: Artificial Intelligence in Alice’s Wonderland
Speaker:Harvey Chen, Counsel, Perkins Coie LLP
